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I express diasporic Nigerian experiences through scholarship, film, curating, fiction, and other mediums.


Ifeanyi Awachie (ih-FAH-nyee AH-wah-CHYAY) is a Nigeria-born, Atlanta-raised writer, curator, and filmmaker based in New York.

With a B.A. in English from Yale University, Ifeanyi is the author of Summer in Igboland. She is the writer and director of This Thing Is Not for You (2022), produced by WATZS Productions. Her short story, “A Dip of the Head, Not a Yes or a No,” appears in the February 2022 issue of the Hennepin Review.

As an undergraduate, Ifeanyi founded contemporary African arts festival AFRICA SALON. Following the success of the inaugural event, she was hired as Yale Africa Curator and invited to curate programming at the Brooklyn Museum. Having embedded the not-for-profit Yale Africa Salon at Yale University, Ifeanyi curated ourselves + others: african feminist re-CREATIONS at SOAS University of London (2017), registered AFRICA SALON UK as a limited liability company in 2018, and organized a number of contemporary African art events in London and globally.

Ifeanyi holds an M.A. in Global Creative and Cultural Industries from SOAS University of London and is currently a Ph.D. Candidate in Cinema Studies and a Corrigan Fellow at New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts. Her article “Archiving the African Feminist Festival Through Oral Communication and Social Media” is published in Feminist Review and her exhibition reviews have been published in ASAP/J and Lucy Writers at the University of Cambridge.

Ifeanyi has worked as Assistant Curator at London’s Institute of Contemporary Arts, where, in addition to supporting the exhibition, film, live, and talks programs, she organized diasporic African art installations and performances. She was a founding member of The Politics of Pleasure Collective, a multidisciplinary Black feminist project that explored pleasure as a politics of refusal.

View Ifeanyi’s CV here.


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